Friday, August 28, 2009

Chinese Auction

OK...I'll admit I have NOOO idea why it is called a Chinese Auction. But if you have never been to one, basically rather than bidding on things, you buy tickets and put them in drawings for whatever items you want. Well tonight I am having a "Ladies Night Out" with the ladies from my church, and I decided to have a mini Chinese Auction with the proceeds going to our Woman's ministry. I saw this as a way to bless people as well as get rid of some on my clutter. I put a few bigger pieces in, as well alot of small pieces. Amazingly I am finally parting with some of the pieces I painted as a student rather than as a teacher. They've been sitting around for 10 years, it's time they were enjoyed.

I really feel Art is meant to be enjoyed....Its not really art when its 17 year old neighbor Victoria helped me set it up last night...hopefully everyone will be blessed :)


  1. First...yea Women's Ministry...wooohoooo!!!!
    Second...I've never done a Chinese Auction. It sounds like lots of fun and if I were in town I would crash the party.
    Third...What a creative way to trade "stuff" that's been taking up space forever...
    Fourth...Have fun Girls....
